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Network Marketing - Time to Learn FORM


The moment that you step foot in networking or network marketing is the time when everyone in your circle and people you'd come across as well automatically become a prospect customer or partner. But you simply can't talk to them and expect that they'll be convinced of what you are offering. You've got to do better. Well basically, you'd need a different approach in order to become a success in your MLM.


Generally speaking, people are talking too much about themselves, about their agenda and don't give the other person the time to talk and be heard. You can't get people join your network if you are about to do this. You've got to take a whole new approach here. Meaning to say, you need to show them that you are interested too. Keep in mind always that listening is the most effective and powerful technique you can have in your network marketing classesand recruitment campaign.


Whether you believe it or not, listening is among the most valued skilled that any recruiters should have. You must be able to know the questions to ask. If you were about to ask something that gives a certain person a chance to talk about themselves, then you better listen and learn when to keep your mouth shut. You'll eventually notice that there's so much to learn from them too. This in return will help develop your relationship with them and possibly, move forward to more business opportunities.


A good format of conversation that majority of successful network marketers follow is FORM at This is basically an abbreviation for Family, Occupation, Recreation and Message. If you wish to know further, I suggest you keep reading.


Number 1. Family - asking questions about family can be anything from the number of siblings they have, where they are from, which school they have graduated and the likes.


Number 2. Occupation - asking the person the kind of work they do, how many years they're employed and so on are all normal questions to be asked under this category. For further details regarding Network Marketing, visit


Number 3. Recreation - it is essential to ask the person the things that they find exciting and caught their interest, what places they enjoy most visiting, where they wish to be their dream vacation was and such.


Number 4. Message - while you don't necessarily need to follow this format, it is critical that you've saved what you wanted to say on the end part of your conversation. After listening to them, now is the time to share what you have to offer and on how you can help them address their needs or desires in life.

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